
Af1.plot_frequencies_heatmap(df: DataFrame, index: str | List[str] | None = 'label', max_len: int | None = 100, col_width: int = 40, row_height: int = 20, x_label: str | None = 'Cohorts', y_label: str | None = 'Variants', colorbar: bool = True, width: int | None = None, height: int | None = None, text_auto: bool | str = '.0%', aspect: Literal['equal', 'auto'] | None = 'auto', color_continuous_scale: str | List[str] | None = 'Reds', title: str | bool | None = True, show: bool = True, renderer: str | None = None, **kwargs) Figure | None#

Plot a heatmap from a pandas DataFrame of frequencies, e.g., output from snp_allele_frequencies() or gene_cnv_frequencies().



A DataFrame of frequencies, e.g., output from snp_allele_frequencies() or gene_cnv_frequencies().

indexstr or list of str or None, optional, default: ‘label’

One or more column headers that are present in the input dataframe. This becomes the heatmap y-axis row labels. The column/s must produce a unique index.

max_lenint or None, optional, default: 100

Displaying large styled dataframes may cause ipython notebooks to crash. If the input dataframe is larger than this value, an error will be raised.

col_widthint, optional, default: 40

Plot width per column in pixels (px).

row_heightint, optional, default: 20

Plot height per row in pixels (px).

x_labelstr or None, optional, default: ‘Cohorts’

X axis label.

y_labelstr or None, optional, default: ‘Variants’

Y axis label.

colorbarbool, optional, default: True

If False, do not display a color bar.

widthint or None, optional

Figure width in pixels (px).

heightint or None, optional

Figure height in pixels (px).

text_autobool or str, optional, default: ‘.0%’

If True or a string, single-channel img values will be displayed as text. A string like ‘.2f’ will be interpreted as a texttemplate numeric formatting directive.

aspect{‘equal’, ‘auto’} or None, optional, default: ‘auto’

Aspect ratio, see also reference/generated/

color_continuous_scalestr or list of str or None, optional, default: ‘Reds’

Colormap used to map scalar data to colors (for a 2D image). This parameter is not used for RGB or RGBA images. If a string is provided, it should be the name of a known color scale, and if a list is provided, it should be a list of CSS-compatible colors.

titlestr or bool or None, optional, default: True

If True, attempt to use metadata from input dataset as a plot title. Otherwise, use supplied value as a title.

showbool, optional, default: True

If true, show the plot. If False, do not show the plot, but return the figure.

rendererstr or None, optional

The name of the renderer to use.


Passed through to px.imshow().


Figure or None

A plotly figure (only returned if show=False).


It’s recommended to filter the input DataFrame to just rows of interest, i.e., fewer rows than max_len.