
Af1.plot_samples_interactive_map(sample_sets: Sequence[str] | str | None = None, sample_query: str | None = None, sample_query_options: dict | None = None, basemap: str | Dict | TileLayer | TileProvider | None = 'mapnik', center: Tuple[int | float, int | float] = (-2, 20), zoom: int | float = 3, height: int | str = 500, width: int | str = '100%', min_samples: int = 1, count_by: str = 'taxon') Map#

Plot an interactive map showing sampling locations using ipyleaflet.


sample_setssequence of str or str or None, optional

List of sample sets and/or releases. Can also be a single sample set or release.

sample_querystr or None, optional

A pandas query string to be evaluated against the sample metadata, to select samples to be included in the returned data.

sample_query_optionsdict or None, optional

A dictionary of arguments that will be passed through to pandas query() or eval(), e.g. parser, engine, local_dict, global_dict, resolvers.

basemapstr or Dict or TileLayer or TileProvider or None, optional, default: ‘mapnik’

Basemap from ipyleaflet or other TileLayer provider. Strings are abbreviations mapped to corresponding basemaps, available values are [‘mapnik’, ‘natgeoworldmap’, ‘opentopomap’, ‘positron’, ‘satellite’, ‘worldimagery’, ‘worldstreetmap’, ‘worldtopomap’].

centertuple[int or float, int or float], optional, default: (-2, 20)

Location to center the map.

zoomint or float, optional, default: 3

Initial zoom level.

heightint or str, optional, default: 500

Height of the map in pixels (px) or other units.

widthint or str, optional, default: ‘100%’

Width of the map in pixels (px) or other units.

min_samplesint, optional, default: 1

Minimum number of samples required to show a marker for a given location.

count_bystr, optional, default: ‘taxon’

Metadata column to report counts of samples by for each location.



Ipyleaflet map widget.