- Ag3.plot_pairwise_average_fst(fst_df: DataFrame, annotation: Literal['standard error', 'Z score'] | None = None, zmin: int | float | None = 0.0, zmax: int | float | None = None, text_auto: bool | str = '.3f', color_continuous_scale: str | List[str] | None = 'gray_r', width: int | None = None, height: int | None = None, row_height: int = 40, col_width: int = 50, show: bool = True, renderer: str | None = None, **kwargs)#
Plot a heatmap of pairwise average Fst values.
- fst_dfDataFrame
A dataframe of pairwise Fst and standard error values. It has 4 columns: cohort1 and cohort2 are the two cohorts, fst is the value of the Fst between the two cohorts, se is the standard error.
- annotation{‘standard error’, ‘Z score’} or None, optional
How to annotate the upper-right corner of the plot. Default behaviour (None) is using Fst, other options are using the standard error (if annotation is ‘standard error’) or the Z score of the two cohorts being the same (if annotation is ‘Z score’).
- zminint or float or None, optional, default: 0.0
The lower end of the range of values that the colormap covers.
- zmaxint or float or None, optional
The upper end of the range of values that the colormap covers.
- text_autobool or str, optional, default: ‘.3f’
If True or a string, single-channel img values will be displayed as text. A string like ‘.2f’ will be interpreted as a texttemplate numeric formatting directive.
- color_continuous_scalestr or list of str or None, optional, default: ‘gray_r’
Colormap used to map scalar data to colors (for a 2D image). This parameter is not used for RGB or RGBA images. If a string is provided, it should be the name of a known color scale, and if a list is provided, it should be a list of CSS-compatible colors.
- widthint or None, optional
Figure width in pixels (px).
- heightint or None, optional
Figure height in pixels (px).
- row_heightint, optional, default: 40
Height in pixels (px).
- col_widthint, optional, default: 50
Width in pixels (px).
- showbool, optional, default: True
If true, show the plot. If False, do not show the plot, but return the figure.
- rendererstr or None, optional
The name of the renderer to use.
- **kwargs
Passed through to px.imshow().