Amin1 ===== This page provides a curated list of functions and properties available in the ``malariagen_data`` API for data on *Anopheles minimus* mosquitoes. To set up the API, use the following code:: import malariagen_data amin1 = malariagen_data.Amin1() All the functions below can then be accessed as methods on the ``amin1`` object. E.g., to call the ``sample_metadata()`` function, do:: df_samples = amin1.sample_metadata() For more information about the data and terms of use, please see the `MalariaGEN Vector Observatory Asia `_ home page. .. currentmodule:: malariagen_data.amin1.Amin1 Reference genome data access ---------------------------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ contigs genome_sequence genome_features Sample metadata access ---------------------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ sample_metadata SNP data access --------------- .. autosummary:: :toctree: generated/ snp_calls