Manuscript Title

This manuscript (permalink) was automatically generated from malariagen/manubot-test@5faeccc on June 23, 2020.



This manuscript is a template (aka “rootstock”) for Manubot, a tool for writing scholarly manuscripts. Use this template as a starting point for your manuscript.

The rest of this document is a full list of formatting elements/features supported by Manubot. Compare the input (.md files in the /content directory) to the output you see below.

Basic formatting

Bold text

Semi-bold text

Centered text

Right-aligned text

Italic text

Combined italics and bold


  1. Ordered list item
  2. Ordered list item
    1. Sub-item
    2. Sub-item
      1. Sub-sub-item
  3. Ordered list item
    1. Sub-item

subscript: H2O is a liquid

superscript: 210 is 1024.

unicode superscripts⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹

unicode subscripts₀₁₂₃₄₅₆₇₈₉

A long paragraph of text. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Putting each sentence on its own line has numerous benefits with regard to editing and version control.

Line break without starting a new paragraph by putting
two spaces at end of line.

Document organization

Document section headings:

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

A heading centered on its own printed page

Horizontal rule:

Heading 1’s are recommended to be reserved for the title of the manuscript.

Heading 2’s are recommended for broad sections such as Abstract, Methods, Conclusion, etc.

Heading 3’s and Heading 4’s are recommended for sub-sections.

Bare URL link:

Long link with lots of words and stuff and junk and bleep and blah and stuff and other stuff and more stuff yeah

Link with text

Link with hover text

Link by reference


Citation by DOI.1

Citation by PubMed Central ID.2

Citation by PubMed ID.3

Citation by Wikidata ID.4

Citation by ISBN.5

Citation by URL.6

Citation by alias.7

Multiple citations can be put inside the same set of brackets.1,5,7 Manubot plugins provide easier, more convenient visualization of and navigation between citations.2,3,7,8

Citation tags (i.e. aliases) can be defined in their own paragraphs using Markdown’s reference link syntax:

Referencing figures, tables, equations

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Table 1

Equation 1

Equation 2

Quotes and code

Quoted text

Quoted block of text

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Code in the middle of normal text, aka inline code.

Code block with Python syntax highlighting:

from manubot.cite.doi import expand_short_doi

def test_expand_short_doi():
    doi = expand_short_doi("10/c3bp")
    # a string too long to fit within page:
    assert doi == "10.25313/2524-2695-2018-3-vliyanie-enhansera-copia-i-insulyatora-gypsy-na-sintez-ernk-modifikatsii-hromatina-i-svyazyvanie-insulyatornyh-belkov-vtransfetsirovannyh-geneticheskih-konstruktsiyah"

Code block with no syntax highlighting:

Exporting HTML manuscript
Exporting DOCX manuscript
Exporting PDF manuscript


Figure 1: A square image at actual size and with a bottom caption. Loaded from the latest version of image on GitHub.
Figure 2: An image too wide to fit within page at full size. Loaded from a specific (hashed) version of the image on GitHub.
Figure 3: A tall image with a specified height. Loaded from a specific (hashed) version of the image on GitHub.
Figure 4: A vector .svg image loaded from GitHub. The parameter sanitize=true is necessary to properly load SVGs hosted via GitHub URLs. White background specified to serve as a backdrop for transparent sections of the image.


Table 1: A table with a top caption and specified relative column widths.
Bowling Scores Jane John Alice Bob
Game 1 150 187 210 105
Game 2 98 202 197 102
Game 3 123 180 238 134
Table 2: A table too wide to fit within page.
Digits 1-33 Digits 34-66 Digits 67-99 Ref.
pi 3.14159265358979323846264338327950 288419716939937510582097494459230 781640628620899862803482534211706
e 2.71828182845904523536028747135266 249775724709369995957496696762772 407663035354759457138217852516642
Table 3: A table with merged cells using the attributes plugin.
Size Text Color Background Color
big blue orange
small black white


A LaTeX equation:

\[\int_0^\infty e^{-x^2} dx=\frac{\sqrt{\pi}}{2}\](1)

An equation too long to fit within page:

\[x = a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i + j + k + l + m + n + o + p + q + r + s + t + u + v + w + x + y + z + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9\](2)


WARNING The following features are only supported and intended for .html and .pdf exports. Journals are not likely to support them, and they may not display correctly when converted to other formats such as .docx.

Link styled as a button

Adding arbitrary HTML attributes to an element using Pandoc’s attribute syntax:

Manubot Manubot Manubot Manubot Manubot. Manubot Manubot Manubot Manubot. Manubot Manubot Manubot. Manubot Manubot. Manubot.

Adding arbitrary HTML attributes to an element with the Manubot attributes plugin (more flexible than Pandoc’s method in terms of which elements you can add attributes to):

Manubot Manubot Manubot Manubot Manubot. Manubot Manubot Manubot Manubot. Manubot Manubot Manubot. Manubot Manubot. Manubot.

Available background colors for text, images, code, banners, etc:

white lightgrey grey darkgrey black lightred lightyellow lightgreen lightblue lightpurple red orange yellow green blue purple

Using the Font Awesome icon set:

Tables (misc. test)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

At 6pt by wrapping in <div> with a style:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

References (misc. test)

URL citation overridden by manual-references.json.9

Table from CSV hard-coded into Markdown content

Using the pantable Pandoc filter.

Awesome Markdown Table

First row

defaulted to be header row

can be disabled


cell can contain markdown

It can be aribrary block element:

  • following standard markdown syntax
  • like this


Any markdown syntax, e.g.

\[E = mc^2\]

Table from CSV file source

Samples By Country
country is_arabiensis is_coluzzii is_gambiae year latitude longitude contributor
Angola 0 81 0 2009 -8.884000000000011 13.302000000000008 Joao Pinto
Burkina Faso 3 135 157 2014 11.248256756756797 -4.28192905405405 Nora Besansky
Cameroon 2 26 416 2013 5.640274774774801 13.536222972972988 Nora Besansky
Central African Republic 0 18 55 1994 4.367000000000001 18.583000000000002 Alessandra della Torre
Cote d'Ivoire 0 80 0 2012 5.8980000000000095 -4.822999999999997 David Weetman
Democratic Republic of Congo 0 0 76 2015 4.282999999999999 21.017000000000035 David Weetman
Equatorial Guinea 0 0 10 2002 3.7 8.700000000000001 Igor Sharakhov
Gabon 0 0 69 2000 0.38400000000000023 9.455000000000005 Joao Pinto
Gambia, The 0 169 69 2012 13.552845878136198 -15.294989247311792 Martin Donnelly
Ghana 0 64 36 2012 5.57405 -0.9347799999999995 David Weetman
Guinea 0 11 123 2012 8.84470588235294 -9.757941176470567 Ken Vernick
Guinea-Bissau 0 0 29 2010 11.942742574257442 -15.496168316831659 Joao Pinto
Kenya 13 0 28 2012 -3.5110000000000015 39.90900000000008 Janet Midega
Lab Cross 0 0 0 -1 53.4089999999997 -2.9690000000000367 Martin Donnelly
Malawi 41 0 0 2015 -15.932999999999996 34.75500000000003 Martin Donnelly
Mali 2 91 131 2014 12.01431111111115 -7.824622222222243 Nora Besansky
Mayotte 0 0 23 2011 -12.85708695652174 45.137434782608686 Igor Sharakhov
Mozambique 0 0 74 2004 -23.71599999999996 35.298999999999985 Joao Pinto
Tanzania 225 0 68 2015 -2.508323333333342 33.85035666666663 David Weetman
Uganda 82 0 207 2012 0.2664965517241366 32.59427586206877 Martin Donnelly

Table from CSV file source with decreased font size

Samples By Country
country is_arabiensis is_coluzzii is_gambiae year latitude longitude contributor
Angola 0 81 0 2009 -8.884000000000011 13.302000000000008 Joao Pinto
Burkina Faso 3 135 157 2014 11.248256756756797 -4.28192905405405 Nora Besansky
Cameroon 2 26 416 2013 5.640274774774801 13.536222972972988 Nora Besansky
Central African Republic 0 18 55 1994 4.367000000000001 18.583000000000002 Alessandra della Torre
Cote d'Ivoire 0 80 0 2012 5.8980000000000095 -4.822999999999997 David Weetman
Democratic Republic of Congo 0 0 76 2015 4.282999999999999 21.017000000000035 David Weetman
Equatorial Guinea 0 0 10 2002 3.7 8.700000000000001 Igor Sharakhov
Gabon 0 0 69 2000 0.38400000000000023 9.455000000000005 Joao Pinto
Gambia, The 0 169 69 2012 13.552845878136198 -15.294989247311792 Martin Donnelly
Ghana 0 64 36 2012 5.57405 -0.9347799999999995 David Weetman
Guinea 0 11 123 2012 8.84470588235294 -9.757941176470567 Ken Vernick
Guinea-Bissau 0 0 29 2010 11.942742574257442 -15.496168316831659 Joao Pinto
Kenya 13 0 28 2012 -3.5110000000000015 39.90900000000008 Janet Midega
Lab Cross 0 0 0 -1 53.4089999999997 -2.9690000000000367 Martin Donnelly
Malawi 41 0 0 2015 -15.932999999999996 34.75500000000003 Martin Donnelly
Mali 2 91 131 2014 12.01431111111115 -7.824622222222243 Nora Besansky
Mayotte 0 0 23 2011 -12.85708695652174 45.137434782608686 Igor Sharakhov
Mozambique 0 0 74 2004 -23.71599999999996 35.298999999999985 Joao Pinto
Tanzania 225 0 68 2015 -2.508323333333342 33.85035666666663 David Weetman
Uganda 82 0 207 2012 0.2664965517241366 32.59427586206877 Martin Donnelly

Table from CSV file source with decreased font size and specified column widths

Pantable docs suggest this syntax, perhaps for a different context, which will generate an error:

- width
    - 0.1
    - 0.2
    - 0.3
    - 0.4

Instead syntax like this (or equivalent) appears to work:

width: [0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.125]
Samples By Country
country is_arabiensis is_coluzzii is_gambiae year latitude longitude contributor
Angola 0 81 0 2009 -8.884000000000011 13.302000000000008 Joao Pinto
Burkina Faso 3 135 157 2014 11.248256756756797 -4.28192905405405 Nora Besansky
Cameroon 2 26 416 2013 5.640274774774801 13.536222972972988 Nora Besansky
Central African Republic 0 18 55 1994 4.367000000000001 18.583000000000002 Alessandra della Torre
Cote d'Ivoire 0 80 0 2012 5.8980000000000095 -4.822999999999997 David Weetman
Democratic Republic of Congo 0 0 76 2015 4.282999999999999 21.017000000000035 David Weetman
Equatorial Guinea 0 0 10 2002 3.7 8.700000000000001 Igor Sharakhov
Gabon 0 0 69 2000 0.38400000000000023 9.455000000000005 Joao Pinto
Gambia, The 0 169 69 2012 13.552845878136198 -15.294989247311792 Martin Donnelly
Ghana 0 64 36 2012 5.57405 -0.9347799999999995 David Weetman
Guinea 0 11 123 2012 8.84470588235294 -9.757941176470567 Ken Vernick
Guinea-Bissau 0 0 29 2010 11.942742574257442 -15.496168316831659 Joao Pinto
Kenya 13 0 28 2012 -3.5110000000000015 39.90900000000008 Janet Midega
Lab Cross 0 0 0 -1 53.4089999999997 -2.9690000000000367 Martin Donnelly
Malawi 41 0 0 2015 -15.932999999999996 34.75500000000003 Martin Donnelly
Mali 2 91 131 2014 12.01431111111115 -7.824622222222243 Nora Besansky
Mayotte 0 0 23 2011 -12.85708695652174 45.137434782608686 Igor Sharakhov
Mozambique 0 0 74 2004 -23.71599999999996 35.298999999999985 Joao Pinto
Tanzania 225 0 68 2015 -2.508323333333342 33.85035666666663 David Weetman
Uganda 82 0 207 2012 0.2664965517241366 32.59427586206877 Martin Donnelly

Table from CSV file source with styles and specified column widths

Samples By Country
country is_arabiensis is_coluzzii is_gambiae year latitude longitude contributor
Angola 0 81 0 2009 -8.884000000000011 13.302000000000008 Joao Pinto
Burkina Faso 3 135 157 2014 11.248256756756797 -4.28192905405405 Nora Besansky
Cameroon 2 26 416 2013 5.640274774774801 13.536222972972988 Nora Besansky
Central African Republic 0 18 55 1994 4.367000000000001 18.583000000000002 Alessandra della Torre
Cote d'Ivoire 0 80 0 2012 5.8980000000000095 -4.822999999999997 David Weetman
Democratic Republic of Congo 0 0 76 2015 4.282999999999999 21.017000000000035 David Weetman
Equatorial Guinea 0 0 10 2002 3.7 8.700000000000001 Igor Sharakhov
Gabon 0 0 69 2000 0.38400000000000023 9.455000000000005 Joao Pinto
Gambia, The 0 169 69 2012 13.552845878136198 -15.294989247311792 Martin Donnelly
Ghana 0 64 36 2012 5.57405 -0.9347799999999995 David Weetman
Guinea 0 11 123 2012 8.84470588235294 -9.757941176470567 Ken Vernick
Guinea-Bissau 0 0 29 2010 11.942742574257442 -15.496168316831659 Joao Pinto
Kenya 13 0 28 2012 -3.5110000000000015 39.90900000000008 Janet Midega
Lab Cross 0 0 0 -1 53.4089999999997 -2.9690000000000367 Martin Donnelly
Malawi 41 0 0 2015 -15.932999999999996 34.75500000000003 Martin Donnelly
Mali 2 91 131 2014 12.01431111111115 -7.824622222222243 Nora Besansky
Mayotte 0 0 23 2011 -12.85708695652174 45.137434782608686 Igor Sharakhov
Mozambique 0 0 74 2004 -23.71599999999996 35.298999999999985 Joao Pinto
Tanzania 225 0 68 2015 -2.508323333333342 33.85035666666663 David Weetman
Uganda 82 0 207 2012 0.2664965517241366 32.59427586206877 Martin Donnelly

Test figures from image sources

1) Separate figures with alt text (“captions”), no resizing, refs linked by default

Figure 5: Stairway Plot
Figure 6: ROH Scatter Plot

5, Stairway plot of changes in population size over time. Absolute values of time and Ne are shown on alternative axes as a range of values, assuming lower and upper limits for the mutation rate μ as 2.8 × 10−9 and 5.5 × 10−9, respectively, and t = 11 generations per year. ka, thousand years ago. 6, Runs of homozygosity (ROH) in individual mosquitoes, highlighting recent inbreeding in Kenyan (grey) and colony (black) mosquitoes. G, Ghana; K, Kisumu; M, Mali; P, Pimperena.

2) Separate figures with no alt text (no “captions”), no resizing, refs linked by default

Figure 7:
Figure 8:

7, Stairway plot of changes in population size over time. Absolute values of time and Ne are shown on alternative axes as a range of values, assuming lower and upper limits for the mutation rate μ as 2.8 × 10−9 and 5.5 × 10−9, respectively, and t = 11 generations per year. ka, thousand years ago. 8, Runs of homozygosity (ROH) in individual mosquitoes, highlighting recent inbreeding in Kenyan (grey) and colony (black) mosquitoes. G, Ghana; K, Kisumu; M, Mali; P, Pimperena.

3) Separate subfigures using Pandoc “divs”, with no alt text, no layout, no resizing

Figure 1

a, Stairway plot of changes in population size over time. Absolute values of time and Ne are shown on alternative axes as a range of values, assuming lower and upper limits for the mutation rate μ as 2.8 × 10−9 and 5.5 × 10−9, respectively, and t = 11 generations per year. ka, thousand years ago. b, Runs of homozygosity (ROH) in individual mosquitoes, highlighting recent inbreeding in Kenyan (grey) and colony (black) mosquitoes. G, Ghana; K, Kisumu; M, Mali; P, Pimperena.

4) Breaking of pandoc-fignos when figures are not in their own Markdown paragraph

Stairway Plot ROH Scatter Plot

??, Stairway plot of changes in population size over time. Absolute values of time and Ne are shown on alternative axes as a range of values, assuming lower and upper limits for the mutation rate μ as 2.8 × 10−9 and 5.5 × 10−9, respectively, and t = 11 generations per year. ka, thousand years ago. ???{nolink=True}, Runs of homozygosity (ROH) in individual mosquitoes, highlighting recent inbreeding in Kenyan (grey) and colony (black) mosquitoes. G, Ghana; K, Kisumu; M, Mali; P, Pimperena.

Pandoc requires:

![Stairway Plot](images/stairway_plot.svg){#fig:figure-test4a}

![ROH Scatter Plot](images/roh_scatter.svg){#fig:figure-test4b}

Instead of the above:

![Stairway Plot](images/stairway_plot.svg){#fig:figure-test4a}
![ROH Scatter Plot](images/roh_scatter.svg){#fig:figure-test4b}

5) Separate figures with HTML table-based layout, with tags, no alt text, no resizing

Figure a:
Figure b:

a, Stairway plot of changes in population size over time. Absolute values of time and Ne are shown on alternative axes as a range of values, assuming lower and upper limits for the mutation rate μ as 2.8 × 10−9 and 5.5 × 10−9, respectively, and t = 11 generations per year. ka, thousand years ago. b, Runs of homozygosity (ROH) in individual mosquitoes, highlighting recent inbreeding in Kenyan (grey) and colony (black) mosquitoes. G, Ghana; K, Kisumu; M, Mali; P, Pimperena.

6) Breaking of separate figures with Markdown table-based layout, no alt text, no resizing

??, Stairway plot of changes in population size over time. Absolute values of time and Ne are shown on alternative axes as a range of values, assuming lower and upper limits for the mutation rate μ as 2.8 × 10−9 and 5.5 × 10−9, respectively, and t = 11 generations per year. ka, thousand years ago. ??, Runs of homozygosity (ROH) in individual mosquitoes, highlighting recent inbreeding in Kenyan (grey) and colony (black) mosquitoes. G, Ghana; K, Kisumu; M, Mali; P, Pimperena.

7) Separate figures using images inline (not Manubot figures), no resizing

a, Stairway plot of changes in population size over time. Absolute values of time and Ne are shown on alternative axes as a range of values, assuming lower and upper limits for the mutation rate μ as 2.8 × 10−9 and 5.5 × 10−9, respectively, and t = 11 generations per year. ka, thousand years ago. b, Runs of homozygosity (ROH) in individual mosquitoes, highlighting recent inbreeding in Kenyan (grey) and colony (black) mosquitoes. G, Ghana; K, Kisumu; M, Mali; P, Pimperena.

8) Separate figures using images inline (not Manubot figures), resized to 3in and 4in width, rearranged

a, Stairway plot of changes in population size over time. Absolute values of time and Ne are shown on alternative axes as a range of values, assuming lower and upper limits for the mutation rate μ as 2.8 × 10−9 and 5.5 × 10−9, respectively, and t = 11 generations per year. ka, thousand years ago. b, Runs of homozygosity (ROH) in individual mosquitoes, highlighting recent inbreeding in Kenyan (grey) and colony (black) mosquitoes. G, Ghana; K, Kisumu; M, Mali; P, Pimperena.

9) Separate figures using images (not Manubot figures) with HTML table-based layout, resized to 3in and 4in width

If the labels were not embedded in the image, the labels would naturally need be added to the Markdown in some way, perhaps as figure “captions”.

Imagine that the two images below did not contain their a and b labels in their top-left corners:

Figure 42

Figure a: Stairway Plot
Figure b: ROH Scatter Plot

a, Stairway plot of changes in population size over time. Absolute values of time and Ne are shown on alternative axes as a range of values, assuming lower and upper limits for the mutation rate μ as 2.8 × 10−9 and 5.5 × 10−9, respectively, and t = 11 generations per year. ka, thousand years ago. b, Runs of homozygosity (ROH) in individual mosquitoes, highlighting recent inbreeding in Kenyan (grey) and colony (black) mosquitoes. G, Ghana; K, Kisumu; M, Mali; P, Pimperena.

10) Single figure with subfigures as labelled images in a HTML table-based layout

Imagine that the following two images do not contain labels a and b in their top-left corners:

Figure 1



1a, Stairway plot of changes in population size over time. Absolute values of time and Ne are shown on alternative axes as a range of values, assuming lower and upper limits for the mutation rate μ as 2.8 × 10−9 and 5.5 × 10−9, respectively, and t = 11 generations per year. ka, thousand years ago. 1b, Runs of homozygosity (ROH) in individual mosquitoes, highlighting recent inbreeding in Kenyan (grey) and colony (black) mosquitoes. G, Ghana; K, Kisumu; M, Mali; P, Pimperena.

Test plotly

Foo bar baz

test 123


1. Himmelstein, D. S. et al. Sci-Hub provides access to nearly all scholarly literature. eLife 7, (2018).

2. Beaulieu-Jones, B. K. & Greene, C. S. Reproducibility of computational workflows is automated using continuous analysis. Nat Biotechnol 35, 342–346 (2017).

3. Heaven, D. Bitcoin for the biological literature. Nature 566, 141–142 (2019).

4. S, c. Plan S: Accelerating the transition to full and immediate Open Access to scientific publications. (2018).

5. Suber, P. Open access. (MIT Press, 2012).

6. Himmelstein, D. S. et al. Open collaborative writing with Manubot. (2020).

7. Ching, T. et al. Opportunities and obstacles for deep learning in biology and medicine. Journal of The Royal Society Interface 15, 20170387 (2018).

8. Himmelstein, D. S. et al. Open collaborative writing with Manubot. PLOS Computational Biology 15, e1007128 (2019).

9. Himmelstein, D. manubot/rootstock GitHub repository. GitHub (2019).